Met one of the coolest guys ever .. Ever meet someone and wonder how you never got to meet them before? Yes that's kinda what happened.. Nothing less than a dream but just couldn't have asked for a better weekend..
Sometimes it's the little things that matter not exactly how big you so stuff..
However my dreams ended and I'm back in Texas wishing I was at the beach with him .. I guess you do meet people for a reason and people do come in your life for a reason but somehow..
Bam.. It's not the same as it used to be.. All I can do is wish for a moment like that again..
All I can do is dream of having someone that awesome wanna hang out with me again..
Sometimes I wish people knew what they wanted and didn't leave me on a string dangling along.. Guess absence can only make the heart grow stronger when it's both ways..
I haven't met anyone in a long time that made my heart flutter like that .. Make me feel like we were friends and of course when I started to get to know him he's gone away now:( guess ill learn one day not to grow somewhat attached to someone like that anymore..
Until then I might take a trip to Cali and just stay the weekend by myself . I need a vacation from everyone right now. Maybe he will come around .. Some people don't realize how great people are and what's right in front of them..
I'm one of the most loving caring people there is and always will be. I tend to over think and worry a lot but so does everyone.. Everybody has flaws just have to find someone who accepts them.. Till then I'm California dreaming...
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